There are many causes in the pet rescue community that can often seem so unattainable. It can become so overwhelming when you think about the many animals that are in desperate need of our help.
Yet to think that one simple decision can help take a step towered ending the pain and suffering of an animal seems unimaginable.
This decision requires no donations no volunteer time no real effort.
Say no to purchasing a pet from a pet store.
What could seem simpler. But day after day people walk into pet stores and purchase a dog or a cat or another animal despite the explosive overpopulation of animals in shelters across the nation.
Now the latest trend is designer dogs, pure breeds and new exclusive breed mixes.
What makes a dog sitting in a window a designer pet but that same dog months later in a shelter cage is disposable, unwanted and not worth saving?
Every time someone purchases an animal from a pet store they are directly contributing to the dark and cruel puppy mill industry.
The term puppy mill is no longer obscure. People have been exposed through different ways to the reality that dogs from pet stores 90% of the time come from puppy mills.
Puppy mills are thriving and animal shelters are struggling to stay open.
As long as there is a demand for these store bought puppies there will be a puppy mill operating successfully at the expense of the life and well being of an animal.
Puppies from puppy mills are born to mothers that are bred beyond their physical limit. They are forced to produce litters over and over until their bodies can no longer handle it. Their puppies are ripped from them to be sold and they rarely receive any comfort.
They live in wire bottom cages that produce many health conditions and discomfort and are often full of disease and parasites. If they incur any injuries they almost never see any medical help.
That cute puppy in the window came from a place that has feces piling high and a constant stench of disease and waste. The dogs go literally crazy from the constant imprisonment and isolation. And your purchase is what funds that place.
Even if your pet store claims the dogs come from a reputable breeder why are we bringing more animals into a world where everyday thousands of dogs are euthanized because they have no home and there is no more room for them in the shelter.
There are so many wonderful dogs and pets waiting to be adopted right now. They are not disposable or worthless that are not second hand or unwanted. If you make the decision that you want to open your home to a pet please adopt never ever buy from a pet store.
Your decision can take us one step closer to putting puppy mills out of business.
Thats how you and I can be the change for animals.